MMLI Symposium 2022

View the recordings of selected talks >>>

We invite you to join the inaugural Molecule Maker Lab Institute Symposium, which will feature three days of engaging sessions to share your research, expand your network, and build collaborations at the interface of chemistry and artificial intelligence.


Dates: March 23-25, 2022

Time: 12PM – 5PM Central Time

In-person Location: Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (405 North Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL)


Virtual: Zoom

Symposium highlights include a keynote talk by Dr. David Baker, three plenary sessions with cutting-edge research from world-leading experts and highly skilled trainees, and two poster sessions.

View the flyer >>>


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Lunch will be served in the Beckman Institute Atrium, starting at 12:00PM.    

12:45PM Opening Remarks

    Huimin Zhao and Gene Robinson

1:00PM Keynote: David Baker

    Henrietta and Aubrey Davis Endowed Professor, Biochemistry, University of Washington

2:00PM Teodoro Laino

    Distinguished RSM, Manager, IBM Research

2:40PM Riley Hickman

     Graduate Student, Chemical Physics, University of Toronto

2:55PM Break
3:10PM Tonio Buonassisi

     Professor, Mechanical Engineering, MIT

3:50PM Jonathan Bogart

     Postdoc, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern

4:05PM Benji Maruyama

     Autonomous Materials Lead, Air Force Research Lab


Thursday, March 24, 2022

Lunch will be served in the Beckman Institute Atrium, starting at 11:30AM.    

12:00PM Kyunghyun Cho

    Associate Professor, Computer Science and Data Science, NYU

12:40PM Hongwei Wang

    Postdoc, Computer Science, UIUC

1:20PM Tom Hope

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Research Scientist, Allen Institute for AI (A2I)

2:00PM Jiaqi Guan

     Graduate Student, Computer Science, UIUC

2:15PM Break
2:30PM Nick Jackson

     Assistant Professor, Chemistry, UIUC

3:10PM Seungjoo Yi

     Graduate Student, Materials Science and Engineering, UIUC

3:30PM In-Person Poster Session

     Beckman Institute Atrium


Friday, March 25, 2022  

A tour of the Molecule Maker Lab will begin at 10:45AM from the Beckman Institute Atrium. Lunch will be served in the Atrium, starting at 11:30AM.         

12:00PM Abigail Doyle

    Saul Winstein Chair in Organic Chemistry, UCLA

12:40PM Sarah Reisman

    Bren Professor of Chemistry, CalTech

1:20PM Casey Olen

    Graduate Student, Chemistry, UIUC

1:35PM Break
1:50PM Kevin Yang

     Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research

2:30PM Ocean Cui

     Postdoc, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, UIUC

2:45PM Virtual Poster Session

Please contact if you have any questions.