The Molecule Maker Lab Institute (MMLI) is an interdisciplinary initiative with leaders in AI and organic synthesis intensively collaborating to create frontier AI tools, dynamic open access databases, and fast and broadly accessible small molecule manufacturing and discovery platforms. Advanced AI and machine learning (ML) methods enable the MMLI to achieve AI-enabled synthesis planning, catalyst development, molecule manufacturing, and molecule discovery.



January 03, 2025

Discover high-quality research opportunities for underrepresented undergraduate students with the Molecule Maker Lab Institute through the Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) at the University of Illinois. Join us from June 2 to July 25, 2025, for a transformative summer experience!

February 19, 2024

Looking for funding for a proof-of-concept project at the interface of AI and chemistry? The MMLI 2024 Seed Grant call for proposals is out. Check it out and apply by April 30.

February 14, 2024

AI Magazine is creating a Special Issue that focuses on the National AI Institutes including MMLI. The Early View version of the issue has been released. The issue is not only an excellent source of information about all of the National AI Institutes, but includes the overall strategy of the National AI Institutes Program. Check it out!



Join the MMLI Industrial Partnership Program! The goal of this program is to provide the opportunity for a two-way exchange of information between the MMLI and industry researchers. Benefits include close collaboration with MMLI trainees, opportunities to give feedback on unpublished work, and more. We look forward to sharing tools and databases for more efficient synthesis and discovery of chemicals and materials for a wide range of applications.

How To Join


Are you a high school teacher looking to incorporate chemistry + AI in your classroom or after school program? Learn more about our current and past projects, opportunities for field trip visits to the Molecule Maker at Beckman Institute, visits from MMLI to your classroom, or other partnership opportunities! Coming soon: Online resources, access to digital tools, sign up for our mail order kit, Molecule Maker Lab in a Box.


Follow MMLI on LinkedIn to learn about institute highlights!

Hear more from MMLI trainees by following MMLI student post doc council on instagram.